The primary objective of improving learning opportunities in prisons is to equip prisoners with the skills they need to make better lives for themselves on release and to reduce re-offending.
Across a wide range of diverse projects and initiatives, modern learning technologies are showing that they can help to achieve this aim by:
- Reducing the time and resources required to understand learner needs
- Providing broader access to training and learning through a variety of devices and methods, including in cells
- Improving the targeting of specific learning solutions to meet individual needs
- Increasing the quality of engagement and of enjoyment of learning
- Improving the quality of assessment of learning
Education in prisons: Ufi's response to the Ministry of Justice
Digital tools and technology are essential to deliver the prison education system the UK needs.
How Vocational Learning Technology Makes Learning in Prison More Accessible
Tech takes learning into prison cells
VocTech in the prison sector: Insights for further education
#VocTechFutures Episode 2: VocTech in the prison sector: Insights for further education
Ufi VocTech Trust: Trustee open forum
An open forum with Ufi Trustees to find out more about Ufi’s impact, future plans and their passion for Ufi’s mission.
Ufi-supported projects working in prisons and the secure sector.
You can explore additional projects in our VocTech Directory.
Way To Work
Socrates Software is working with probationers to tackle unemployment and help reduce reoffending rates.