White paper to be launched at EdTech Summit Update

Ufi to launch White Paper setting out how it will unleash the potential of technology to level up learning at the EdTech Summit Update

Ufi VocTech Trust, the UK's leading charity for championing the power of technology to improve skills for work, is to launch its Vocational Technology Challenge White Paper on 28th April at the EdTech Summit Update.

This White Paper will set out how Ufi will use its funding, insights, and influence to support the development of digital solutions (VocTech) to improve outcomes and deliver impact for vocational learners.

At the heart of the White Paper is a focus on learners who are disproportionately impacted by the digital divide and absolute and relative digital exclusion.

This comes at a crucial time for UK skills development, and the White Paper aims to surface solutions for those learners who, without positive intervention, will struggle to get the skills they need to work or progress in employment(1).

Louise Rowland, Deputy Chief Executive of Ufi VocTech Trust said:

We are delighted to be launching the VocTech Challenge White Paper at the EdTech Summit as we feel it fits well with the theme of the Summit – bridging the gap between education and technology.

How to watch the launch

The Ufi session takes place from 15:10 - 15:50 on Wednesday 28th April 2020.

The event takes place online and you can register to attend for free.

See https://edtechsummit.co.uk for further details.

Challenge social card

About the VocTech Challenge

Back in November 2020, at our Ufi VocTech Showcase, the big challenge we foresaw was that the communities who are not traditionally well served by mainstream vocational skills and training provision, the focus of Ufi’s strategy, were probably more at risk than ever from being excluded from education and training and being able to access employment.

In response, we kicked off the 2021 VocTech Challenge to explore, with an open mind, where Ufi can best use its resources to make change happen. This will be a major initiative for Ufi during 2021, the outcomes of which will help shape our activities for the coming years.

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