Ufi and AELP are working together to develop insight into the sector and how technology can be used to enhance high-quality delivery.
The partnership will seek to influence the strategy and practice of organisations across the sector, producing a long-term shift in the adoption and deployment of high-quality digital pedagogies in the sector.
Together we will convene discussions and undertake a piece of national research to explore how independent training providers are using or planning to use technology and digital pedagogies in their delivery.
We will seek to understand barriers to adoption and how the funding and regulatory landscape can support innovation.
Our partnership enhances the SectorShare platform, initially developed by Ufi and AELP to support independent providers with resources for online delivery during the pandemic, so that it provides greater support to the sector.
The Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP) is a national membership body, proudly representing around 800 organisations. AELP members support thousands of businesses and millions of learners by delivering a wide range of training, vocational learning, and employability programmes. They support learners of all ages, in every community, and at every level of post-16 study.