Ufi and ALT

Championing the development of learning technology professionals in vocational education

Our partnership with the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) is invested in building a long-term community of practice with a lasting legacy of high-quality digital learning, teaching and assessment in vocational education.

Our shared objective is to increase the value of networking for professionals that will help vocational educators to discover, share and discuss the resources, training and support they need to develop their digital pedagogical skills and enhance how vocational learning in the UK happens.

"We are moving to design a better blended experience for everyone in further and vocational education. Sharing expertise and developing the necessary skills is key to success as we scale up the intelligent use of learning technology."

Dr Maren Deepwell, CEO, ALT


In FE and across vocational education providers generally, dedicated roles for learning technology are less common than in other parts of the education system. As a result, professional recognition and CPD for taking on an increase in responsibility for digital delivery is vital.

The Association for Learning Technology is the sector body for learning technology professionals from all educational sectors. ALT works to advance education through increasing, exploring and disseminating knowledge in the field of Learning Technology for the benefit of the general public.

Together, ALT and Ufi are working to create a supportive, authentic and connected community of practice that will help support the development, adoption and deployment of learning technology in vocational education.

Activities and achievements

AmplifyFE Community Space logo

Communities of Practice


AmplifyFE is a free network to connect and amplify communities of practice for digital learning, teaching and assessment in vocational education.

Launched in October 2020, AmplifyFE now connects over 3,000 professionals in Further Education and Vocational Education, providing a strong networking community for them to share, collaborate and learn.

If you work in Further Education or Vocational Education and want to share news about your work, find experts to collaborate with or learn more about specific subject areas, then the AmplifyFE network can help.

You can join the community by signing up to their mailing list or following them on Twitter @AmplifyFE.

AmplifyFE Community Space

The AmpifyFE Community Space is a group-based forum - following the ALT Special Interest Group (SIG) structure - focused on VocTech and developing and deploying accessible, inclusive learning technology to help those adults impacted by the digital divide.

The Community Space will deliver a programme of activities including twice termly online meetings and a regular podcast series.

The first meeting of the group will take place on 6 May 2022. You can find out more and join the group on the link below.

Visit the AmplifyFE Community Space


Insights and resources to support learning technology professionals in vocational education

Communities of Practice Sector Audit

It is important to build trust across the sector and to engage gradually and authentically with existing networks.

The Communities of Practice Sector Audit, first published in 2020, provides up-to-date data of existing networks and communities that support teaching and learning, the use of technology, and subject specialism in the Vocational education and training sector. The findings are used to inform the development of the AmplifyFE Community of Practice.

Explore the report.

AmplifyFE Insights Report

This piece of action research aims to gather evidence, theory and good practice on how to develop and deploy learning tech to best support adults impacted by the digital divide and furthest away from learning.

The development of the research was informed by Ufi’s VocTech Challenge projects and the broader context, including widely used competency frameworks such as the Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework, the ETF’s Digital Teaching Professional Framework and ALT’s Accreditation Framework to align industry insights with current practice.

The key findings will be shared to support best practice in future deployment of learning tech within the sector. The report highlights key frameworks and resources for practitioners.

Download the report from the AmplifyFE website.


Thought Leadership

Communications and advocacy to support our shared activities

Our partnership will see Ufi and ALT develop a collective narrative that can be shared through our respective communication channels.

This will include collaboration across our two major annual events; the ALT annual conference and Ufi's Week of VocTech.



Resources from across the site

News, projects and activity in partnership with ALT.