Ufi and FutureDotNow

Using technology to improve the digital capability and confidence of the UK workforce.

Ufi has agreed a Strategic Partnership with FutureDotNow. Together we are working to showcase how digital tools, technology and pedagogy can help improve digital capability and confidence of the UK workforce.

Our partnership has a particular focus on learners, sectors, geographies and communities who have not been well served by mainstream provision, helping to ensure everyone is included and nobody is left behind.

“Ufi are very pleased to be joining FutureDotNow, supporting a movement of stakeholders across the UK dedicated to equipping UK adults with essential digital skills. We look forward to sharing our expertise into how technology can help overcome barriers to skills development and support the growth of a more confident and capable workforce.”

Josh Smith, Head of Public Affairs, Ufi VocTech Trust


There are significant Essential Digital Skills gaps across the working population, in every sector, nation and region, and in every age group. This is preventing individuals and businesses from taking full advantage of digital technology, damaging UK competitiveness and productivity, and limiting the wider societal benefits of a thriving and prosperous economy.

Urgent action is needed to boost the digital capability and confidence of the UK’s workforce, and capitalise on the opportunities ahead.

FutureDotNow is a coalition of industry leaders working to ensure that all adults have the essential digital skills they need to benefit their own prosperity and UK productivity.

Activities and achievements

Cover of the UK Workforce Digital Skills Roadmap publication.

UK Workforce Digital Skills Roadmap

Employers are uniquely placed to help their employees build Essential Digital Skills. As part of our strategic partnership we will support the implementation of the UK Workforce Digital Skills Roadmap, helping highlight the role that digital tools, learning technologies and digital pedagogy can play in building essential digital skills.

Ufi will specifically be contributing to the strategy and employer action workstreams alongside organisations like Accenture, the Cabinet Office, NHS England, M&S, Lloyds Bank and the Institute of Coding.

Find out about the UK Workforce Digital Skills Roadmap
Woman working on laptop.

Workforce Digital Skills Charter

Ufi, alongside a group of leading organisations, have signed FutureDotNow's Workforce Digital Skills Charter to help close the digital skills gap across the UK. The Charter is a shared statement of ambition for concerted action to close the essential digital skills gap in the UK workforce.

The Charter has been launched to unite employers around the joint mission to close this critical skills gap. Ufi has signed the Charter with over 100 cross-sector organisations, including M&S, Lloyds Banking Group, PwC, techUK, Accenture, Barclays, Salesforce and Nationwide.

Find out about the Workforce Digital Skills Charter