Jeff’s career in education and training began as a teacher in the South Wales Valleys, then as a civil servant developing the National Curriculum for Languages, before working in the private sector on European Vocational Education projects. Then in 1999, Jeff joined Ufi, as one of the first employees and remained for 17 years, managing Wales, then Northern Ireland, and finally as UK Operations Director.
Jeff maintains a keen interest in supporting adults in learning and is on the Board of the Learning and Work Institute, The Colleges of Wales and the Institute of Employment Professionals and Chairs Groundwork Wales.
Jeff remains a strong advocate for Equity and Inclusion within education and training and runs Ariege a consultancy company working with Education and Training Organisations in Europe and Africa.
Education is evolving at a faster pace than any other period in recent history. In many ways returning to Ufi in this role I will be keen that we explore how emerging technologies, including analytics and artificial intelligence can deliver far greater understanding of student capabilities, and support new , more inclusive approaches to teaching, learning and advice and guidance.