Dominic is co-founder and MD of Digital training provider Intequal (previously IT Skills Management Company). Their mission is to open up careers through digital skills; be innovative in delivery, using technology to deliver learning where appropriate; and support learners & businesses by having exceptional quality at the heart of everything they do.
As an independent consultant, Dominic previously developed and led Microsoft’s Partner Apprenticeship Program. He continues to work with stakeholders across the apprenticeship and digital skills ecosystem including employers, government workforce systems and training providers. This includes being a member of the Digital Route Panel for IfATE; ESFA’s Apprenticeships Stakeholder Board; and City & Guilds Industry Skills Board. By helping positively shape, develop and implement apprenticeship and digital skills policy over recent years, he aims to empower people of all backgrounds to achieve their full potential through careers in digital technology.
And he is co-founder of Franklin Apprenticeships, a United States based consulting firm focused on building the infrastructure to support a successful competency-based apprenticeship ecosystem in the US.
I am passionate about empowering young people and businesses to better understand and access career pathways, especially into such a vibrant and growing sector as digital technology. I am equally passionate about the need to evolve and develop new ways of learning that embrace technology and are more in line with how stakeholders utilise technology.