Key information
Grant status:
The fund is currently open for applications.
Applications will close on 4th February 2025 at 17:00 (GMT).
Purpose of the fund
VocTech Activate is our test bed where the first spark of an idea which could solve a vocational learning problem can be scoped and tested in the supportive environment that Ufi funding provides. We grant fund projects that are at a relatively early stage, helping to prototype ideas and work out the next steps necessary on the journey to long-term success.
How much funding is available?
VocTech Activate provides grants of £30,000 to £60,000 for projects lasting between 3 to 12 months.
Eligibility checker
Interested in seeing if your project could be eligible for grant funding through VocTech Activate?
Explore our eligibility checker to see if the fund could be right for you.
Grant Workshops
To help you prepare your application we run a series of workshops to introduce the fund and help ensure it is right for you.
Applicants who attend one of our workshops are much more likely to be successful.
Our workshops provide an opportunity to find out more about the scope of this grant call. You will be able to take part in small group discussions with members of the Ufi team to ask any questions you might have.
"Your workshop was one of the most informative, encouraging and transparent introductions I have been to. Thank you for the time you put into this."
"This is the first time I have come across any funders that have had a workshop like this. I was left impressed and would highly recommend.”
"Extremely helpful - particularly the breakout sessions where we were able to ask questions about our specific bids."
Workshop dates
- VocTech Activate grant funding call: Workshop 1
Tuesday 7th January 2025. 10:00am - 11:00am.
Fully booked
- VocTech Activate grant funding call: Workshop 2
Wednesday 8th January 2025. 2:00pm - 3:00pm.
Fully booked
- VocTech Activate grant funding call: Workshop 3
Tuesday 14th January 2025. 10:00am - 11:00am.
Fully booked
- VocTech Activate grant funding call: Workshop 4
Thursday 16th January 2025. 1:00pm - 2:00pm.
Fully booked
- VocTech Activate grant funding call: Workshop 5
Monday 20th January 2025. 11:00am - 12:00pm.
Register here
Find out more about the fund
The links below provide an introduction to the fund, outline the fund criteria and explain how to apply.
About the fund
Find out about the VocTech Activate Grant Fund.
How to Apply
Instructions on how to apply.
Preparing your application
To support your application we have gathered some background resources, tips for applying and Frequently Asked Questions.
Guidance and tips
Get the most from your application.
Find answers to your questions
Grant Policy, Terms and Conditions
All applicants must agree to our Grant Terms and Conditions.
What have other organisations done with a VocTech Activate grant?
You can explore all the organisations we have supported through grant funding in the Ufi VocTech Directory.
Spotlight... on St Mungo's
Empowering people recovering from homelessness through a programme of online learning.
Spotlight on... ANAGRAM
Using the immersive potential of VR to provide carers with insight into the experience of people with mental health problems.
Ufi announce latest cohort of organisations offered VocTech Activate grant funding
We are delighted to announce the latest group of organisations offered grant funding.