Ufi announce latest cohort of organisations offered VocTech Activate grant funding

We are delighted to announce the latest group of organisations offered grant funding as part of Ufi’s £947k VocTech Activate grant fund 2024.

The 16 projects will each receive grant funding to develop new ideas for how technology can help address real-world barriers to adult participation in learning. As well as grant funding, each project will have access to a range of enrichment activities designed to give projects the best chance of success.

The broad set of projects in the 2024 cohort range from improving higher-level maths for heating engineers to helping FE students and teachers access skills training in artificial intelligence. Each project demonstrated innovation either in their overall approach, the technology they aim to develop, or in the sector or community of learners they will support. We are pleased to see the strength of partnerships and reputations within their respective sectors, providing a real opportunity to transform, at-scale, how vocational learning happens.

Projects offered funding include:

  • An AI tool to map assessor observations, helping create more efficient formal assessments in the conservation sector.
  • A digital platform removing barriers to gaining construction skills with the potential to catalyse wider change in the sector.
  • A digital tool to ensure every apprentice has access to the support they need to complete their learning journey.
  • An automated platform to create high quality digital badges easily and efficiently.
  • An educational video game to help learners gain cyber security skills and diversify the sector’s workforce.
  • A careers and vocational training tool help address the green skills gap.

The full list of organisations offered grant funding in the latest VocTech Activate 2024 cohort can be found here.

The VocTech Activate 2024 cohort manager, Mahreen Ferdous, said:

“I’m thrilled to introduce a fresh wave of new projects to the Ufi community with our latest VocTech Activate 2024 cohort. Green skills, AI and microlearning with credentials are key themes for the cohort, reflecting the skills needs and trends in the UK economy. Being in the front row for some of the most innovative and practical advancements in VocTech development is always exhilarating.”

VocTech Activate grants are designed to support projects that are at a relatively early stage, helping to prototype ideas and work out the next steps necessary on the journey to long-term success. Projects will last for up to 12 months and will each receive enrichment support from Ufi, including being part of a community of practice.

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Explore Ufi’s VocTech Activate grant funding.

Our test bed where the first spark of an idea can be scoped and tested in the supportive environment that Ufi funding provides.