Our partnership with the RSA (The royal society for arts, manufactures and commerce) provides a unique opportunity to lead the public debate on how to design better tech-enabled systems for adult learning – with learners at its heart.
Drawing on The RSA’s deep policy, research and systems change expertise and Ufi’s practical, actionable insights from the organisations it supports, together we aim to unite people, places and ideas to show how tech can help tackle the UK skills crisis.
"Working in Strategic Partnership with Ufi has given the RSA’s work in lifelong learning the support to become more focused on learner needs and more free to innovate in the spaces between in-person and digital delivery of learning opportunities."
Tom Kenyon, Head of Programme, Learning Society, The RSA
The benefits of lifelong learning are not evenly spread across the UK, with adults in the lowest-paid professions and outside London consistently being the least likely to have engaged in learning since leaving formal education.
This imbalance reflects the inadequate provision of adult learning and training opportunities and is a significant problem if we are to deliver the skills we need for the future.
Together, Ufi and the RSA are working to show how tech can help tackle the UK crisis, with a particular focus on how a tech-enabled system can work for those who are least likely to engage with lifelong or adult learning opportunities.