Supporting a better transition from training into the world of work
The VocTech Future of Skills Award was designed to share and celebrate big, tech-enabled ideas of how changes to the UK skills system could transform the way adults get the skills they need for work.
In this article we learn more about one of the winning entries, from Stuart Hill.
Explore the other winning entries.

Supporting a better transition from training into the world of work
We need far better ways of creating inclusive workspaces and supporting effective transitions from training into work, argues Stuart Hill, one of three winners of a national competition held to celebrate visions for the future of the UK skills system - Ufi’s VocTech Future of Skills Award.
Stuart is the Director of Assistiv CIC, a company that uses assistive technology and training to remove barriers to employment for adults with learning disabilities.

Stuart (centre) receiving his award from Ufi CEO, Rebecca Garrod-Waters, and Chair of Trustees, Dominic Gill.
Stuart’s winning vision was informed by his experience creating digitally enabled training and workplace based support to enable businesses, training providers and schools to collaborate and communicate to ensure that people with learning disabilities have the support and opportunities they need to flourish at work.
“We urgently need a joined-up system which allows closer collaboration between training providers, schools and businesses to ensure professionals with learning disabilities gain the skills firms want and need.”
Stuart says that his experience as a special educational needs teacher left him feeling despondent at times as his students took courses and gained skills, but that this “didn’t lead to anything - there was no clear pathway”.
”As a teacher, I could see very talented people who were very capable and we were working very hard to improve their life chances. But … they still didn't get the opportunities,” he says.
There is currently a disconnect between vocational training and secure long-term paid work for those with learning disabilities, Stuart argues.
“What's going on during the transition from the controlled environment of training to the live environment of work? What are the nuances and barriers that aren't allowing people to succeed at scale?”
“Often it’s about looking at this holistically and saying, are we speaking the same language? What do employers need? It’s not just skills, because I believe we've got people with the skills and the ability to do those jobs. What’s really preventing people from succeeding? Is it confidence? Is it the support that they get?”
“We urgently need a joined-up system which allows closer collaboration between training providers, schools and businesses to ensure people with learning disabilities gain the skills firms want and need, and are supported effectively into employment”, he says.
Stuart argues that technology has an increasingly important role in enabling training providers and employers to communicate and collaborate more effectively.
“There needs to be a way - and I believe it’s through technology - for businesses to inform teaching programmes and transitions into work.”
“If schools, colleges, training programmes and businesses had a shared platform, they could more easily meet the needs of those people looking to gain and maintain employment”.