Strategy & Delivery Plan

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Our theory of change

Our Theory of Change sets out what we think needs to change if VocTech is to deliver its potential within the vocational education system.

There are four fundamental pillars that underpin our theory of change – the levers that we can pull to create lasting behavioural and cultural shifts that create a better future for all. These are:

- Making change now

- Making change for a better future

- Supporting the market

- Building the VocTech community

Our strong, independent voice and flexible funding mean that we can bring expertise, insight and resources to tackle the challenges we have described in this document.

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Learning Without Walls: Beyond 2020

Learning without walls sets out the medium term strategies that we’ll pursue to deliver our mission and vision in more detail.

Read Learning Without Walls
Ufi Delivery Plan 2023

Delivery Plan

The outputs we are striving to achieve each year are set out in our Delivery Plan.

Read Delivery Plan