Let’s get number confident on National Numeracy Day, 19 May!

At Ufi we know how important it is for people to ‘get on with numbers’ to get on in work.  Over the years we’ve supported several projects that use VocTech – that is technology to support vocational learning - to help people to develop their confidence with numbers and numeracy skills for work.

So we are delighted to be a lead supporter of National Numeracy Day, the UK’s only annual day dedicated to everyday maths led by the charity National Numeracy.

We are delighted to be a lead supporter of National Numeracy Day

There will be a host of free online events, videos and resources including inspirational stories and practical advice from real-life learners and celebrities including Rachel Riley, Martin Lewis, Bobby Seagull and more!

National Numeracy Day Live event schedule

National Numeracy Day raises awareness of the importance of numbers in everyday life. It empowers people to improve their everyday maths with the free and easy-to-use National Numeracy Challenge, a website developed with support from Ufi.

National Numeracy Challenge

Have a go at the Challenge www.nationalnumeracy.org.uk/challenge/ufi and check out what's happening on social media with #NationalNumeracyDay