RARPA - The Next Generation

Wiltshire College & University Centre

It is important for all learners to have their skills and progress recognised in order to increase confidence and give them the best chance to move into work.

The RARPA (Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement) national framework, was created to record and track progress and achievement in non-accredited qualifications, but a standard digital system does not exist. Many FE Colleges and other providers have ‘engineered’ solutions by adapting existing tools, though this can cause problems of accessibility for student groups, the risk of unintended sharing of sensitive information and a failure to support multi-agency engagement with learners. This can create inconsistencies in recording progress and cause problems when learners move between different providers.

Wiltshire College will create a stand-alone platform designed to be easily accessible to learners so they can actively engage with their own progression and development. It will also help prepare them for further independent learning through the college and on to employment. Easy and secure sharing of information across multiple agencies and with various stakeholders will allow seamless updating of relevant information to all partners involved in a learner’s education. The learner’s completed RARPA record will ultimately become an exportable, shareable portfolio which can be used as a bridge into employment.

As well as benefiting SEN learners, the platform will also be open to all FE learners on non-accredited qualifications from 16-18 provision, NEETs and Adult Community Learning, having a broad and significant impact on a wide range of learners.