The Critical Engineer

West College Scotland

What happens when the industry you have worked in for many years is disrupted by new technologies? West College Scotland are developing a ‘playbook’ called The Critical Engineer which will enable existing engineers to develop skills needed to thrive in an environment of exponential technological growth and change.

The Discovery Phase was used to challenge those in the industry to articulate their learning needs faced with the pace of current change. As well as confirming some of their initial ideas around the VocTech solutions that could be used to help engineers change their practice, the deep-dive into the lived experience of engineering companies gave some invaluable social and economic insights into the work of a 21st Century professional in this field.

The playbook will allow users to utilise a variety of media including video, podcasts and digital badge content which enables engineers to make progress in three key metaskills, identified by employers, to enable an innovative mindset. West College Scotland recognises the importance of developing a culture of innovation and flexible routes to training so that a sector that is changing rapidly can upskill its workforce.