
Marine Society & Sea Cadet Organisation (MSSC)

MSSC currently helps Sea Cadets to achieve more and make a life for themselves, often in very difficult times, through a diverse range of training and development.

Waypoint will transform the Sea Cadets offer, shifting the focus from evaluating outputs e.g. boating hours and towards a focus on outcomes, such as increased qualifications and employment opportunities. It has potential to have a positive impact on those over 16, who are more likely to drop out of Sea Cadets, providing an alternative pathway to college by managing their skills development and vocational training, with the support of their local Sea Cadet group.

The project will develop an interactive portal, accessible via mobile devices, that will give learners clear view of opportunities available to them, the learning journey and what their next steps could be. It will showcase training and career opportunities available nationally in the marine industry (sailing, catering, engineering, etc), provide access to courses available to Cadets based on their career interests, enable Cadets to share information about what they are getting involved in and what they think about those experiences/courses, and enable achievements to be presented professionally in a comprehensive record of achievement and qualifications gained via the Cadet Experience Dashboard.