Strategic Partnerships

Working together to maximise our collective impact and accelerate the pace of change

At Ufi our mission is to harness the power of technology to improve skills for work, opening up access and achieving positive lasting outcomes for those furthest from opportunity. .

We know we can't achieve this alone and so we work in partnership with organisations who share our mission to create conditions for success and accelerate the pace of change.

From inspiring leadership-level engagement to commissioning research and supporting the sharing of knowledge, partnership is crucially important.

Our strategic partners

Each of our strategic partnerships offers a different pathway to maximise our collective impact so that, ultimately, the best technology solutions can enable us all to flourish in our working lives.

  • Ufi and AELP

    AELP + Ufi partnership logo

    Supporting independent training providers to deploy the best digital tools and pedagogies.

  • Ufi and ALT


    Championing the development of learning technology professionals in vocational education.

  • Ufi and AoC

    Ufi + AoC partnership logo

    Supporting further education colleges to deploy the best digital tools and pedagogies.

  • Ufi and Catch22

    Ufi + Catch22 partnership logo

    Mobilising the power and energy of tech ventures to drive reform in youth employment services.

  • Ufi and FutureDotNow

    Ufi logo and FutureDotNow logo.

    Using technology to improve the digital capability and confidence of the UK workforce.

  • Ufi and iDEA


    Creating a step-change in digital skills and confidence for vocational learners in the UK.

  • Ufi and Learning and Work Institute

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    Shifting the dial on adult participation in learning for work.

  • Ufi and NCFE

    Ufi + NCFE

    Driving change and reform in the assessment of vocational training and skills.

  • Ufi and Resolution Foundation

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    Backing a new wave of innovators to improve the prospects, power and progression of low-paid workers.

  • Ufi and the RSA

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    Uniting people, places and ideas to show how tech can help tackle the UK skills crisis.

  • Ufi and The King's Trust

    Ufi + Kings Trust partnership logo

    Deploying technology to improve employability opportunities for young people.