Thank you for supporting us in promoting the VocTech Activate grant fund
On this page you'll find sample text, social media posts, graphics, animations and flyers you can use to help promote the VocTech Activate grant call across social media and your networks.
If you need any support in using these assets please contact
If you know someone who is interested in applying for for a VocTech Activate grant fund, they can find detailed information here
Newsletter text
Please share the grant fund in your newsletter. You can download the VocTech Activate logo on the link below, and we've prepared some suggested text to the right.
Grants of up to £60,000 available from Ufi VocTech Trust
Ufi VocTech Trust has opened applications for it's VocTech Activate grant fund. Grants of £30,000 to £60,000 are available to support the new learning technology with the potential to transform how adults gain and maintain the skills they need for work. Designed specifically to help early-stage ideas, VocTech Activate supports the design, development, testing, and adoption of new digital tools and approaches.
Try the eligibility checker, book a pre-application online workshop and find the full details of the grant fund at
Applications close on 4th February 2025.
Social media posts
If you use social media you can help promote the fund by sharing our LinkedIn post below, or creating your own using the social assets:
Social Media graphics
Images you can use across social media to promote the grant fund. To download, right click on a graphic below and select "Save image as...".

Please point to ""

Please point to ""

Please point to ""

VocTech Activate grant fund digital flyer
Download our flyer to share news of the grant fund over email. To download, right click on the button below and select "Save link as...".