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News, VocTech Challenge
One year on: Updates from the VocTech Challenge
Reflecting on our ambitious programme to deliver a step-change in adult participation in learning.
News, VocTech Challenge
Ufi announce £1.5 million Impact Network + Grant Fund
Our grant call for projects that address the VocTech Challenge.
News, VocTech Challenge
Growing collaboration to meet the needs of our local economies
Explore a winning entry from the VocTech Future of Skills Award
News, VocTech Challenge
Ensuring career success for young people and adults with experience of criminal justice and the care system
Explore a vision from the VocTech Future of Skills Award
News, VocTech Challenge
Supporting a better transition from training into the world of work
Explore a winning entry from the VocTech Future of Skills Award
News, VocTech Challenge
A digital learning passport for everyone
Explore a winning entry from the VocTech Future of Skills Award
News, VocTech Challenge
Announcing the VocTech Future of Skills Award
Reimagining how the UK skills system can get more adults learning.