FlashAcademy® launches ESOL product for colleges

Ufi first backed Learning Labs in 2018 with a grant to develop their Workplace English learning app, and we made a venture investment to support the company’s further development and growth in 2020.

Now they are expanding their reach to adult learners by launching an Adult ESOL version of their award-winning platform, FlashAcademy®. The new app teaches English from 35+ home languages, with micro-lessons, gamification and a unique object translator – helping learners acquire English easily on any device and from any location.

For more information see www.flashacademy.com/ESOL

Warehouse worker using a tablet computer to learn.

Ufi's project with Learning Labs

There are 9 million workers in the UK with low literacy, limiting their access to work now, and to further training for the jobs of the future.

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Ufi's investment in Learning Labs

Ufi Ventures invested in Learning Lab in July 2020 alongside Midven and several individual investors.

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