We want people to be engaged through the game and realise they've learnt later.

This innovative project will develop and test a mobile, game-based app, focused on teaching the key entry level skill of dental charting in an engaging and fun way.
This will provide effective learning for entrants at the start of their training and a refresher for more experienced practitioners. Using bite sized (excuse the pun) learning makes it easy to digest. Using game mechanics will improve engagement, make the material enjoyable to learn and motivate the learner to repeat key learning points.
More complicated learning points will be visualised through interactive 3D visuals and animated sequences. Progress will be recorded and reported, and any weaker areas of the learner’s knowledge can be highlighted.
The longer-term ambition is to develop a suite of vocational training games for dental nurse training across the UK, to be used alongside the current training methods, delivering content through game mechanics and visualisations to teach more complicated concepts in a more digestible and accessible manner.
The app will be delivered through Apple and Google stores (now available for download) with the potential for roll out widely throughout the UK and beyond.