Customer Care Training In VR

Elearning Studios

What kinds of conversations do customer-facing staff need to handle professionally? Are they currently able to practice difficult conversations in a safe environment? This project will develop a platform to enable vocational trainers working independently, for training providers or corporate organisations, to rapidly develop and build customer care VR training scenarios.

Learners will undertake work-related role play to improve their performance in working with customers. Virtual Reality gives them the chance to experience, and practice dealing with, a range of customer service scenarios in a safe environment without impacting on the business. This helps them to become better prepared for real work situations.

The platform will be customisable to deal with situations in retail, financial services, office and leisure environments. It can be tailored to the specific job situation, and has the scope to develop into any sector where customer care is an important workplace skill.

No programming skills or artist work is necessary, making it easy for trainers to develop bespoke VR content and deploy this on different types of VR headsets.