Dynamic AI sims for customer service training in rail

Totem Learning Ltd

There is a growing demand in asset intensive industries for staff to provide excellent customer experience, especially in difficult situations including disability awareness, security, and conflict management. Train travel has become more discretional than ever, and customer experience is critical to success. 240,000 people work in the UK rail industry, a significant proportion in customer facing roles.

This project will evaluate, select, and integrate emerging artificial intelligence (AI) tools into existing operational training simulations including security and accessibility, to create realistic characters in challenging scenarios that will respond naturally to player choices. Learners will be able to speak to characters verbally and get a realistic generative response, for example, a person behaving antisocially or a customer with disabilities who needs support. Player choices will be recorded and analysed, with feedback generated from the character on how they feel about the experience.

This project will use AI to create learning scenarios, exploring the cutting edge of what dynamic responsive training could look like. If successful, this technology will deliver enhanced serious games that have significant emotional and behavioural impact, replacing multiple choice based and lower impact alternatives. The AI characters will be modelled to a range of industry informed personas that respond dynamically to approaches made by learners. The product will respond in less predictable ways to spoken or written learner inputs, forcing them to think on the spot and experience more realistic consequences.