On the job training for eco-retrofit

Collaboration Tools Ltd

Whole House Eco-Retrofit (WHER) can cut heating demand by 50% and reduce problems like damp, but currently only eight UK organisations offer WHER surveys and plans. Increasing availability of local WHER services is critical to UK climate adaptation. To meet net zero by 2030, sector employment needs to more than double and the skills deficit is a significant barrier. The knowledge and skills required are numerous, diverse, and highly specialised. There is currently no clear entry route and most new entrants have generic skillsets that are developed by their employer through informal and often intermittent guidance from colleagues.

This project will create a training and support system for WHER competence, available on a range of devices, primarily mobile. It will be based around an interactive Q&A service, powered by a generative artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot, to extend and enhance current informal development of WHER skills in the workplace. Tradespeople will be involved in development from the start to ensure it is user friendly.

This project will take an innovative and experimental approach to training the chatbot by combining web search with the use of generative AI and using extensive learning material provided by the Centre for Alternative Technology. This will ensure the chatbot provides comprehensive information and draws on the latest best practices. The chatbot will support structured training and be used from mobile devices to assist in completing work, giving learners real-time guidance at the point of use, and tailored to the situation.