

EY Smart aims to achieve a step-change in how Continuous Professional Development (CPD) can support childcare practitioners, using digital technology to enable them to learn for free at times and in ways that suit them, with the assurance that the learning provided is compliant with national requirements.

Regulation is changing for early years providers and childcare practitioners who, in order to be allowed to care for 0-5 year olds, must demonstrate they are meeting Ofsted’s new education inspection framework and the requirements set out for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in England, and the equivalent frameworks in Wales.

The EY Smart platform will offer bite-sized modules to help childcare practitioners to understand what the regulatory changes are and how they can support children in their care to reach the underlying developmental stages they need to be ready for school.

Content will be delivered in small chunks, through video observation of good practice, peer learning, curated searches etc. An e-tracker will help learners to monitor their progress, celebrate milestones and share ideas with colleagues. EY-Smart will create an online learning community with a ‘social’ approach to learning in which participants can share success with peers and receive goal-based rewards, all with the assurance of content from PACEY - Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years.