Numeracy Champions in the Workplace

National Numeracy

The UK faces a numeracy crisis. The cost comes in widening regional disparities, since numeracy skills are weakest in regions whose incomes are lowest. This project aims to address confidence barriers to improving basic maths skills, by working with partners to develop a network of local numeracy champions. These will support adults to use National Numeracy's proven digital products, leading to improvement in skills and better chances in the workplace.

National Numeracy has developed a highly effective digital solution, the National Numeracy Challenge, which has been proven to effect a step-change in numeracy confidence levels. The solution combines bite sized maths learning resources with inspirational and supportive content aimed at retaining and encouraging learners who want to improve their maths.

This project aims to build on that initiative by creating a network of digital champions who will support maths learners in the workplace, using the National Numeracy Challenge as the anchor and centrepiece. Partnering with Lincs Co-op, Cambs and Peterborough Combined Authority and the Lord Mayor's appeal, the project will enable champions to encourage learners, grow a community and measure impact. Champions will be trained in the skills and knowledge needed and provided with the mechanisms to monitor success. The project will be working with the government's new Multiply fund to further extend reach and impact.