OSCE Simulator


The NHS needs to boost the workforce by 50,000 nurses by 2024 and almost 50% of new nurses have trained overseas. The final hurdle for overseas professionals with the offer of an NHS job is to pass is a scenario-based exam – the Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) – within a limited timescale.

The OSCE is a series of role-playing exercises in authentic clinical scenarios such as a hospital ward, where candidates have to demonstrate appropriate clinical and communication skills. Non-native English speakers can find this second part particularly challenging, such as demonstrating the right tone and register when explaining procedures or having difficult conversations with patients. A critical factor in success is preparation - which is what this project seeks to address.

Klik2Learn will develop a range of simulations in which candidates will be able to react in real time to questions they are asked, giving them the chance to practise their responses. The simulations will have 3D characters and backgrounds which will include open-ended and branched conversations to deal with a variety of candidate responses. The technology will deliver a 3D experience in a 2D environment and will be accessible on all devices including mobile phones. Kilk2Learn are working with the NHS to develop these simulations and with Edinburgh University to analyse and evaluate candidate responses against ideal models. The eventual aim is to train algorithms to give real time feedback, to be displayed in Klik2Learn’s proprietary LMS.