Passport to Independence

YMCA DownsLink Group

The Passport to Independence platform will enable young adults who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to work through a series of skills development exercises to give them the confidence they need to take the next step to be ready for work. These young adults often have issues with confidence and motivation, have often struggled with formal education, and will have feelings of fear and anxiety around entering the workplace.

This project will develop a web app providing interactive resources to assist young adults living in supported accommodation to learn new skills, improve their confidence, and increase their current and future employment prospects.

Learners will benefit not only from access to the end product but by being actively involved in its development. Engaging users in the development process ensures that what is built really meets their everyday needs. YMCA intends to involve a minimum of 50 people in developing the resource and the platform will be made available to 1,400 residents in accommodation each year.

YMCA is also working to make it available to a wider audience of young people, including care leavers, students and those leaving home for the first time.