Princes Trust Online

The Princes Trust

The Prince’s Trust supports young people to develop their soft skills and employability skills, breaking down any barriers personal or otherwise, to enable them to eventually find a job or the opportunity to get into training or education.

Now more than ever, young people are facing greater barriers to educational attainment and employment. Currently The Prince’s Trust get approximately 100,000 enquiries a year, but unfortunately not all of these young people are able to immediately benefit from the programmes of support offered. The current mechanisms are not as young people friendly as they could be and as a result, there is a fairly high drop-out rate.

With nearly 95% of young people owning a smart phone, Prince’s Trust Online will allow more versatility in how and where support can be offered, through both mobile and online learning content. The next iteration of Prince’s Trust Online will invite young people to become part of a community from the moment they engage and stay connected through a blended face-to-face and digital platform. This digital on-boarding means they will remain engaged whilst they are waiting for a programme. The project will focus on improving the initial customer experience and improving the digital engagement with young people, which will be offered alongside face-to-face support.