
What they do:

AutonoMe uses mobile technology to help people with learning disabilities and autism develop skills for independent living and employment. The programme combines human support with assistive technology to help adult learners achieve their full potential.

By using the app employees develop skills and overcome barriers to gain and sustain paid employment. At the same time, employers benefit from expert support to increase their diversity and inclusivity together with greater insight into the needs and abilities of their workforce.

How they make impact:

By accessing personalised support from a Job Coach and employment-specific instructional videos, the AutonoMe app helps learners develop motivation and resilience for job seeking. Learners are equipped with the practical and social skills required to secure meaningful paid work.

Once in work, bespoke training and support is tailored to the personalised needs of the learners and their employer, creating the right conditions for sustained employment. Learner progress is monitored and regularly communicated with both the learner and employer to ensure any challenges are identified and addressed proactively.


Ufi Ventures invested in AutonoMe in April 2023.

The seed investment will enable AutonoMe to provide support to more people and expand its platform with the development of new features to make it more accessible and user-friendly.

News from AutonoMe