Counselling skills for Non-Counsellors


Relate use their expertise in counselling and counselling training to deliver basic counselling skills training to frontline staff, working with the public in a variety of sectors.

This project is building their capability in digital learning, by piloting digital delivery of their popular ‘Counselling Skills for Non Counsellors Course’.

The training solution will be hosted on the VLE Litmos, with a blended learning approach including video based e-learning, discussion forums and trainer led ‘ILT sessions’/web casts. The pilot will be tested with 100 users and their feedback built into further iterations of the programme. Relate have already recruited partners including charities, NHS trusts and legal and housing service providers, who are keen to participate as they can see the benefit of this approach to training their staff.

Through work with Ufi on this project, Relate has undergone a wider process of considering how digital learning, for their workforce, partners and service users, sits at the heart of a wider digital transformation programme, using technology to improve access to their vital services.