PlanIT, DesignIT, ConstructIT

Construction Industry Training Board Northern Ireland (CITBNI)

Feedback from Construction Industry employers indicates that the gaining practical skills in the workplace is less of a problem than an individual’s lack of life skills. CITBNI are creating a scenario-based construction project that aims to improve learners' soft skills by working as part of a construction team building a footbridge, practising their life and employment skills as well as learning technical skills in a safe virtual environment.

This scenario-based project will develop a prototype Augmented Reality (AR) application aiming to improve vital life and employability skills, through a construction-based challenge. The project centres on a new footbridge with each learner assuming a key role in the delivery of the project. The prototype immersive training application will deliver learning outcomes which are applicable to all sectors, in life skills and the six employability skills most sought after by CITBNI members:

• Planning & organisation
• Research & using information
• Interpersonal
• Strategic & business thinking
• Communication
• Leading & managing people

Aimed at NEET learners, the immersive training environment will enable participants to develop and gain insight into their strengths and weaknesses and equip them with the skills they require for varied career choices within and beyond construction.