Ufi is staffed by a highly effective team and supported by a wider pool of freelancer consultants.
Sarah Axon
Grants Manager
Alex Bishop
Associate Director of Ventures
Fay Bagnowiec
PA to the Chief Executive
Manon Dark
Communications Officer
Mahreen Ferdous
Evaluation and Impact Manager
Rebecca Garrod-Waters
Chief Executive Officer
Helen Gironi
Director of Ufi Ventures
Thomas Heiser
Head of Communications
Jane Holmes
Associate Director of Grants
Steve King
Head of IT
Claire Legg-Mellar
Project and Partnerships Officer
Gabrielle Madders
Project and Partnerships Officer
Karen Monaghan
Board Secretary
Caroline O'Donnell
Grants Programme Manager
Teni Oguntayo
Project and Partnerships Officer
Toby Palmer
Investment Associate
Gabrielle Smith
Finance Director
Josh Smith
Head of Public Affairs