Guidance and tips

VocTech Challenge Impact Network + Grant Fund

  1. Read the About the fund, Impact Network, Fund criteria, How to apply, FAQs and Guidance and tips pages carefully

  2. Please look at our funding strategy, Learning Without Walls :Beyond 2020 and our Theory of Change
    to understand more about Ufi, our mission and the beliefs that shape the way we think.

  3. Try our Eligibility Checker to see if your idea could fit

  4. Join a Pre-Application Workshop
    Hear more about what we are looking for and ask any questions you might have. The webinar also offers the opportunity for networking and small group discussions about your ideas with members of the Ufi team and other applicants. You'll find the dates and times below the key information.

  5. Read our VocTech Challenge: Skills for an Economy in Transition Green and White Papers
    They will help you fully understand the context for this grant funding call.

  6. Explore the findings of our Place Based Collaborations
    Understand more about how our work in Hull, Aberdeen, Newport and Belfast and how this has helped shape the focus of this call.

  7. Read our standard FAQs and our VocTech Challenge Fund FAQs

  8. Read our guidelines on Technology Considerations for achieving scale

  9. Projects using Artificial Intelligence should consider how their approach meets the 5 pillars of ethical AI
    As proposed in the UK Government's policy paper, AI regulation: a pro-innovation approach, these are: Safety, security and robustness; Appropriate transparency and explainability; Fairness; Accountability and governance; and Contestability and redress.

  10. Review our Grant Terms & Conditions
    These are non-negotiable so please only apply if you can accept them in full.

  11. Take a look at our VocTech Directory
    This shows the wider context of the projects we have funded in previous years.

  12. You can also email us with general questions about the grant fund at
    Please note that we cannot discuss your specific project in detail during a workshop, in the online chat or by email.

Interested in applying?

Find out how to apply, or return to the grant fund landing page.